Is It Legal to Run a Yellow Light in New York?

A traffic light on Amber

Are you wondering if there are any legal consequences for running a yellow light in NY? Every driver should know New York traffic light laws and the potential penalties for yellow light running in NY. Every traffic control signal is to keep drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists safe on the roads.

When a light turns yellow, it is a warning to slow down and prepare to stop. If the light turns red, you know you could get a traffic ticket for running it. You could also wind up in a car accident with serious injuries and may even be held accountable for causing injuries to another driver. 

Mazzu Law is committed to seeking justice with empathetic legal representation for accident victims in Buffalo, New York. If you were hurt in an accident at an intersection, a personal injury lawyer from our legal team can help advocate for your legal rights. In this informative blog post, we answer the question, “Is it legal to run a yellow light in New York,” and cover everything you need to know. 

Legality of Running a Steady Circular Yellow Signal

Traveling through an intersection during a yellow light is completely legal in New York. The Department of Motor Vehicles and New York law clarify this in Section 1111 of Article 24, stating that a  yellow light on a traffic control signal does not mean “stop.”

What you should do when you see a yellow light is prepare to stop. You can enter the intersection, though you should do so cautiously if it is too late to apply your brakes. It adds a buffer since the yellow light is to alert you that all related green movement will end shortly with the red indication. 

Essentially, New York law traffic rules require you to make a choice. Either go through the yellow light or come to a halt. Understanding what happens when you encounter a red light in New York helps bring this matter full circle. 

What Happens If the Light Turns Red While You are in the Intersection?

Under New York law, it is perfectly legal to drive through an intersection with a yellow light. However, when the light turns red, the law is very clear. 

If the traffic light turns from a green light to a yellow light and you are still traveling through the intersection, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You must already be in the intersection when the light turns red, and you are allowed to cross through it to get out of the way of oncoming vehicles. 

When you enter that intersection after the light has turned red, it is considered a traffic violation. If a police officer sees you run the red light, you will get a ticket. It is deemed negligent behavior to run a red light, and should your running of the red lead to a car accident, you may wind up being blamed for it. 

How to Know If You Ran a Red Light

Was there a yellow light or a red light at the traffic signal? Perhaps you are questioning yourself after moving through the traffic light and hoping you are not in any trouble. You may have gotten to the other side of the intersection without crashing into another vehicle but you may be wondering if there will be any legal implications ahead. 

In New York, it is legal to run a yellow light but it is illegal to run a red light, just as it is in every state. Here is how to know if you have broken the law:

City crossing with a semaphore on blurred background with cars in the evening streets

You Have Passed the Crosswalk Lines

The intersection starts at the crosswalk line, so if you pass this area during a yellow light, you are fine. However, if the traffic light has turned red already and you enter the intersection, you could receive a ticket. 

There is generally a stop line at the entry of every intersection and an area for a crosswalk. Sometimes, these stop lines fade after years of wear and tear, making it unclear as to where the pavement marking is located. In other cases, there may be multiple lines, which can be confusing when trying to determine where the intersection actually begins. This can add yet another layer of difficulty when pursuing a personal injury case against a driver who runs a red light in New York. Your attorney should be able to pull relevant evidence, such as traffic control camera footage, to help prove what happened.

Red Light Camera Tickets

Automatic red light cameras on or above the traffic signs are set to activate as soon as vehicles enter the intersection on the red light. If you get a ticket from a red light camera in New York, it can be extremely challenging to argue your way out of it without an attorney.

Penalties for Running a Red Light in New York

It is illegal to run a red light in New York. The penalties for failing to come to a full stop in these scenarios will often result in tickets and points added to your driver’s license. Generally, a police officer will issue a ticket for one of the following reasons:

Failing to Obey a Traffic Control Device

If a New York police officer witnesses you running a red light, they will write a ticket for this violation. You may have points added, be required to pay a fine, and in some cases, be issued jail time. 

It should be noted that a ticket for running a red light that is issued by a police officer is different from one sent by mail from traffic cameras. There may be potential for malfunctions with these signals,so if you do get one, the penalties will be lower than if a law enforcement officer issued the ticket.

Running a Red Light

A ticket for running a red light in New York has stricter penalties. In most cases, those running the light are also going above the speed limit. 

Issues with False Accusations of Running a Red Light When You Were Running a Yellow Light

It is also possible to be issued a ticket by a police officer for running a red light instead of a yellow light. The officer may have been at a different perspective at this intersection and it could have looked as though you had not cleared that line before the light changed. 

When you have a situation in which you want to dispute the right of way at traffic signals, it is always best to remain polite and obtain legal representation. You will gain nothing by arguing with an officer of the law.

An angry neighbor shouting, blaming

It may be worth fighting as there are certain situations where a citation could cost you even more than the fines, jail time, and other punishments. For example, you may have entered the intersection on a yellow light and another driver may have negligently come from the other direction. The officer may issue you a ticket, and the other driver may try to use that as a point to get out of being held liable for your injuries. In moments like these, the reality is that you need a personal injury lawyer to help you gather the evidence needed to present your case in a court of law. 

How Running a Yellow Light Could Result in an Accident

Running a yellow light could cause car accidents and Uber accidents even though it is legal. That is because running yellow lights can cause collisions because drivers tend to speed up at a yellow light to make it through the intersection before the light turns red. When this happens, T-bone accidents, rear-end collisions, and left-turn accidents are the common results. 

Sometimes, a driver may slow down to turn into a gas station at the last minute, and a person behind them trying to run the yellow may smash into them. It is a classic case of speeding to make the yellow light; all drivers need to know the consequences, which includes a greater chance of a car accident. 

Drivers often misgauge the time and distance they have before a light changes to red. When this happens, they wind up driving into oncoming traffic.

Another scenario has to do with short yellow light timing. Yellow lights that are set too short by the city allow for less time to make it through the intersection safely. Drivers may make a sudden stop, or worse, run the red light and put themselves and others in danger. 

If you have recently been in an accident in New York and the color of the light is a point of contention, make sure that you consult an attorney. Whether you were issued a ticket or not, a personal injury lawyer will investigate, gather evidence, negotiate, and advocate for your rights. Contact Mazzu Law to discuss your New York yellow light accident.